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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Weimer

10 Tips for Planning a Magical Disney Vacation

Updated: Apr 12

Are you planning a magical Disney vacation? Look no further! We have compiled a list of 10 tips to help you plan the perfect trip to the happiest place on earth. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned Disney-goer, these tips will ensure that your vacation is filled with unforgettable memories. 1. Start planning early: Disney vacations require careful planning, so it's best to start as soon as possible. This will give you ample time to research and book accommodations, dining reservations, and think about Genie+ selections. Plus, you'll have a better chance of securing the best deals and availability. 2. Set a budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on your Disney vacation and plan accordingly. This will help you make decisions on accommodations, dining, and activities. There are options for every budget, so don't worry if you're on a tight one. 3. Choose the right time to visit: Consider visiting during off-peak seasons to avoid crowds and long wait times. Not only will you have a more enjoyable experience, but you may also find better deals on accommodations and tickets. Additionally, check for special events or promotions that may enhance your experience. 4. Research accommodations: Disney offers a variety of resorts to choose from, each with its own unique theme and amenities. Take the time to research different options and find the best fit for your family's needs and preferences. You may also want to consider off-site accommodations, which can sometimes be more affordable. Ask Jenny for help on this one! 5. Make dining reservations: Disney restaurants can book up quickly, especially the popular ones. To ensure that you get to experience your preferred dining options, make reservations in advance. This will also help you plan your daily itinerary more effectively. 6. Plan your park days: Each Disney park has its own unique attractions and shows, so it's important to plan your days accordingly. Create a daily itinerary for each park you plan to visit, including must-see attractions, character meet and greets, and shows. This will help you make the most of your time in the parks. Ask Jenny to create the perfect itinerary for your family! 7. Genie+ selections: Disney's Genie+, Individual Lightning Lane and Virtual Que systems allow you to skip the lines for popular attractions. Take advantage of these by making a plan in advance of what you'd like to ride. This will help maximize your time in the parks and ensure that you get to experience your favorite rides without long wait times. See our post on Genie+, Individual Lightning Lanes and Virtual Ques 8. Pack wisely: Comfort is key when visiting Disney, so pack comfortable clothing and footwear for long days of walking. Don't forget essentials like sunscreen, ponchos (in case of rain), and autograph books for character meet and greets. It's also a good idea to bring a backpack with snacks and water to keep you energized throughout the day. See our packing list for additional tips! 9. Take breaks: Disney vacations can be overwhelming, so it's important to schedule downtime to rest and recharge. Take breaks in between park visits to explore the resorts, enjoy pool time, or even take a midday nap. This will help you avoid burnout and ensure that you have enough energy to fully enjoy the magic. 10. Enjoy the magic: Last but not least, remember to embrace the Disney magic and have fun! Take plenty of photos, meet your favorite characters, and create lasting memories with your family. Disney vacations are all about creating magical moments, so make the most of every second. By following these 10 tips, you'll be well on your way to planning a truly magical Disney vacation. Remember, the key is to plan ahead, stay organized, and most importantly, enjoy every moment of your trip. Happy planning!

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